Have you ever wondered who or what your choice of food will damage?

Are you a person who pays attention to the salubrity and the goodness of food, considering also its role in the protection of the soil and the environment?

Do you want to develop your growth and your inner regeneration also through some food which in its turn qualifies and regenerates natural resources and the beauty of the territory?

Are you ready to evolve from passive consumer to active co-producer and regenerator aware of the soil?

Are you a new mother or a new father and you would like to have a support in the complex decisions concerning your child’s weaning, food and nutrition? How can you choose food, considering also its emotional and relational role, its learning and self-esteem? How can you build a relationship of real confidence between parents, food and child?

Do you follow alternative diets, as organic, macrobiotic, vegan and you want to do even more?

Do you follow specific diets as a sports person or because you have achieved the full maturity of your body?

Do you love seasons and the seasonality of food?

Do you want to rediscover old knowledge, flavours and smells?

Are you looking for healthy food which also gives joy and which is truth and expression of an area?

Do you wish to take care of your pets, too, guaranteeing them healthy, nutritious and genuine food?

In a worldwide scenario where pollution depletes the soil, the choices people make when they sit down to eat become important. Hence the possibility to choose healthy, safe food with a better nutritional profile and which improves everybody’s life.


ARCA offers the chance to choose products which are good not only to health, but which regenerate and enrich the soil, too.


ARCA starts from the premise that today people match products, pay more attention to and are more conscious of what they buy.


People wonder more and more about food: where it comes from, how it was produced and how long it has been travelling to arrive at the selling point or through a delivery channel. The concept of tracking food from the producer to the table is today a key point.


Food doesn’t represent only a form of sustenance any longer; it has become a symbol of the personal values of those who choose it and a form of expression of ourselves. For this reason fresh, genuine, original and regenerating food is searched for.


What are the characteristics and the trends which make food “perfect” today?
Food linked to tradition but also careful about health, a “reconsidered tradition” which best satisfies the needs for healthy food.
Food which also responds to the needs of the people who suffer from very diffused food and nutritional diseases or of people who pay great attention to what they eat today more than ever.

According to ARCA philosophy food is:

simple and natural


linked to tradition

connected to the local area, typical

obtained with farming practices that regenerate the soil

controlled, tracked, certified at any level

healthy and tasty

highly serviced, easy and fast to prepare

with low-cholesterol index

with low-glycemic index

with low-inflammatory index

recommended to vegetarians

recommended to vegans

ideal for sports people


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